Saying “Get Out!” to 2020 and Looking Ahead to the New Year
I know, I know, it’s been a while since my last blog post. The tail end of 2020 really did a number on all of us. Recently 2021 is looking like more of the same. However, I refuse to let this year be as difficult as last year. Which is why I am setting myself, and Inked Empress, up for success early. And I hope you are doing the same for yourself.
It’s time.
I have a lot of really cool things to announce that are coming to the shop early this year. The first is more of a goal, however. This year I plan to dive into seriously designing and releasing patterns. I have released one pattern already that’s in the shop: my stuffed pumpkin called Oh My Gourd, Pumpkins! It’s adorable and has a poseable stem. Check it out if you like pumpkins that are squishy and poseable!
I have another pattern written for a kick- ass drop stitch cowl, but I cannot release this pattern until I can find enough test knitters to take on the project. (If you are ever interested in test knitting for me, just message me! I supply the yarn and it’s loads of fun. Plus we get to hang out on Discord!) You can contact me at
So this pattern and many other potential patterns are on the goal sheet for this year. I would really like to see this one through in 20201. I would also like to focus on new colorway collections with a focus on celebrating subculture.
Test Knitters Send a Message to My Contact Me Page!
The next thing I have to announce is a new product line for Inked Empress. I’m really excited to be able to welcome into the fold (Ha!) our spinner brethren! I will be offering rolags for spinning this year. Thanks to your support I have been able to get a blending board and top to dye. Keep an eye out for unique fiber colorways for spinning in the near future!
Fore Some Reason I Couldn’t Find a Decent Stock Image of a Spinning Wheel So Please Enjoy This Image of a Wool Factory
The last thing I want to talk about is our YouTube channel! This year I will be putting out content on YouTube on more of a regular basis than in the past. I am trying to arrange interesting fiber content (Ha! Again!) that will be engaging and interesting and will maybe answer some questions you might have! So please comment here or on our channel with fiber-related questions that are of interest to you. I’d love to answer them! I also intend to put up tutorials there as well. So if you’re needing help with a certain stitch or whatnot, hopefully that will be of help.
All in all, 2021 will be a good year because I am going to work hard to make it that way. I am looking forward to everything new coming to the shop and to the YouTube channel! I hope you’re working hard to care and advocate for yourself, and I also hope this year treats you with kindness and success.
Love and Badassery!